American Censorship Day: Nov 16th 2011

It seems that the United States is trying to pass a bill to censor internet videos from people living in the States. Now you’re probably wondering what this has got to do with me since I’m from Canada right? Well most of the videos I watch are from internet critics and movie reviewers that are living in the States, so if they get censored, they might get shut down and if they get shut down then no more videos.

What this means is that the government can order providers to block your website from being viewed by the public, this is even if you’re just an ordinary user! You could go to jail for a minimum of 5 years if you’re streaming a copyrighted work that would cost more than $2,500 to license, even if you’re a non-commercial user. I’ll give you an example, just say you post a video of you singing a cover of Lady Gaga’s latest song on Facebook, you could get locked up.

So if you’re into watching internet movie or game reviewers, then you can help to stop this bill from passing by signing the petition on and together we can stop this shitty bill from passing. Who knows? With Canada introducing their C-11 copyright infringement bill, Canada may not be far behind. As the immortal Dead Prez once said, “Together the ants will conquer the elephant.” This is Livin’ Large and you’ve been Largely Livin’